
SharePoint In Place RM - Unified view

One of the biggest complaints of in place records management is the inability to get a unified view of all the records in the system.

Obviously this isn't a problem in a central records center but as more people are moving towards 'in place' certain gaps are being identified.

Thankfully we have the API, specifically this:

public static bool IsRecord(
SPListItem item

So if we recurse all the site collections, webs and lists we should begin to get an idea of the records and where they sit.

Maybe a dictionary to hold the info (name, version etc etc)

Perhaps a treeview to render the classification (site based or term set)

So lets wrap that in a web part and a treeview for navigation.

This navigation is based on the term set.

Clicking the tree node will open all the records in that term set

It's a good start and i will continue to develop it.

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